Cutera Laser Genisis Celluderm Treament


It is a quick + painless, non-invasive procedure that combats premature signs of ageing and sun damage by boosting collagen production under the skin’s surface. In other words, magic.

It’s even known as a “red carpet facial” due to its immediate results, minimal side effects, and downtime or recovery. The laser treatment leaves a glowing complexion while targeting areas such as Sun damage, excessive or diffused redness, poor skin tone, large pores, uneven skin texture & uneven skin tones, fine lines and wrinkles, scars and treating rosacea (skin redness).

Laser Facials (also known as Laser Genesis) is a multi-purpose, all-season, all-skin type solution for your overall skin health. By gently heating the upper dermis well below your skin’s surface, your entire face will be refreshed; pores will be minimised, acne scars removed, the skin will become creamy smooth and diffuse redness will disappear.

Scientifically proven, but more importantly, proven by our clients’ experiences, the Laser Genesis procedure uses a non-invasive laser to stimulate new collagen growth under the skin, leaving you with a fuller, younger-looking face.

The Laser Genesis procedure is comfortable, with an excellent safety profile. Cutera is the ‘gold standard in the industry when it comes to effective ‘no downtime visible results. The procedure takes just 30 minutes and produces zero downtime. It can be performed on patients of all skin types, tanned and tanning patients, year-round. Comfortable & convenient with zero downtime. Only Laser Genesis provides select and gentle heating of the dermis to improve skin texture, shrink pore size, reduce redness, reduce wrinkles, and increase skin firmness.

Results of each treatment continue for 3 weeks as collagen continues to build and improve the skin, 3-6 treatments every 3-4 weeks is ideal.

  • Non-invasive
  • Healthy complexion
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Relaxing and therapeutic
  • No recovery times
  • Skin rejuvenation for all skin types
  • Laser Genesis treatments can be done year-round for a variety of skin conditions!

You may notice a slight redness which will resolve within a few hours.

Clients are concerned that a Laser Genesis treatment will be uncomfortable. However, that is not the case; this procedure has minimal discomfort. Many patients describe the process as creating a warm sensation on the skin. It can feel like raindrops falling onto your skin. Other clients describe laser genesis as a relaxing treatment that they thoroughly enjoy.


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