

PicoSure – The first and leading choice for comfortable and convenient tattoo removal and skin revitalisation treatments for wrinkles, acne scars and pigment like freckles, sunspots and discoloration.

The procedure time depends on the size of the treatment area. However, 10 minutes is common for average areas.

The first of a new generation of aesthetic lasers, PicoSure doesn’t only utilise heat to melt or burn away melanin, the pigment that produces dark patches on your skin, or unattractive tattoo ink.

Instead, PicoSure engineers helped our doctors treat patients in a novel way by using cutting-edge physics and medical science. The energy delivered by PicoSure is delivered so quickly (in trillionths of a second) that microscopic pigment and tattoo ink particles vibrate and shatter without scorching nearby tissue. Less heat equals less pain and tissue damage


The undesirable tattoo’s ink is the target of the laser radiation, which fragments it into tiny pieces. The microscopic particles are subsequently eliminated by the body’s natural mechanisms. Compared to conventional lasers, this leads to quicker clearing with fewer sessions.
The majority of patients report little to no discomfort during skin revitalisation procedures, which they compare to the snap of a rubber band. Patients could feel more pain as a result of the more energy-intensive tattoo removal procedures. However, our therapist can provide numbing cream or other comfort measures.
  • The number of PicoSure treatments for unwanted pigmentation will vary. It depends on the condition being treated, and how each individual responds.
  • For tattoo removal, the size, location, and density of ink play important roles in how quickly clearance can be achieved. Generally, 4-10 treatments is common for modern tattoos. Our practitioner will be able to evaluate and provide you with a personalised plan.
  • The number of skin revitalisation treatments depends on the clinical condition being addressed. Generally, 2-5 treatments are common. Our practitioner will provide you with a personalised plan.
The skin is subjected to harmful radiation from the sun. The body creates additional melanin to defend itself, which tans the skin. A deep tan may hinder therapy since PicoSure targets melanin to eliminate extra pigment.
The skin is more susceptible to sunlight after laser treatments to remove tattoos and undesirable pigment, thus it is advised to limit sun exposure and wear sunscreen with at least SPF30+ protection.
Starting at $150 | Session time 10 minutes

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